Our adopted highway section starts at Avery Creek Road, the riding stables road, and ends at Forest Service Road 475, the fish hatchery road. The once a year fish hatchery road clean-up starts at the junction of US 276 and FSR 475 and ends at Cove Creek. Both roads are divided into six one-half mile sections. It works best if we have a minimum of two people per section, for a total of twelve volunteers. More are always welcome.
We meet at Coon Tree Picnic Area parking lot (for US 276 clean-ups) or the fish hatchery parking lot (for the FS 475 clean-ups) at 10:00 AM, coffee and pastries are provided; as are trash bags and pick-up tools.
It ends up being a leisurely walk along a beautiful road with the river in sight, and allows you to scout some water for later fishing. In fact, many people bring their rods along and top off the day with some fishing.

Pisgah TU Chapter Programs