Our Mission
To conserve, protect and restore coldwater fisheries and their watersheds in western North Carolina.
Our Vision
A western North Carolina where healthy watersheds support thriving populations of coldwater species.
Chapter Meetings
Pisgah TU meets at 7:00 PM on the second Thursday of every month at Guidon Brewing, 415 8th Ave East located just north of downtown Hendersonville. Our July, August, and December meetings are social gatherings without regular chapter business. Trout Unlimited membership is not required to join Pisgah TU meetings and everyone is welcome.
Chapter Communication
Pisgah TU events, announcements, and updates are published in our monthly newsletter, Snags & Snarls, and in announcements emailed to everyone on our mailing list. If you wish to be included on our newsletter and email distribution list, please let us know at news@pisgahtu.org.